Africa is the continent of the moment. It is the land of possibilities – the land of untapped resources – waiting for people of goodwill and courage to deploy the resources required to reap theabundant benefitsavailable in the continent. News in Africa Online will fill you in, every week, with trending and topical issues and events about Africa from the perspectives of Africans residing and operating from within Africa.
Many publicationsin print and online bear the African tag.Virtually all of them publish and disseminate all sorts of information about Africa. Some of them are headed by journalists of African descent based in the Diaspora. They attempt to put out what they regard as the African perspective on political and socio-economic issues. But this cannot be the same thing as having the fruit of the loom from a bunch of veterans – versatile African reporters and editors – living in Africa and working in Africa. News in Africa Online is a great example of the product of this genre of African journalists. Our personnel are entirely African.
Ours is therefore an authentic voice of Africa focusing on matters that primarily concern Africans at home and in the Diaspora – with the aimofreaching the global public every week. We have stringers across the continent’s sub-regions but we will operate mainly from Lagos, Nairobi, Johannesburg and Washington DC.
We will bring you breaking news, analytical views on politics, economy, aviation, world report, issues in diplomacy, women in development, travel & tourism, entertainment, and of course, sports. We are eager to serve you. Always let us know how you feel about the stories you read on our website. Once again, Welcome on board!
Pat I. Chukwuelue