By Innocent Onoh
Ministers and Heads of Delegation from world’s poorest countries including Togo, Congo and Niger Republic in Africa, have met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to discuss their priorities in preparation for the international climate negotiations in Bonn, Germany, next month.
Known as the Least Developed Countries (LDC), the group received preferential attention during last climate change conference in Morocco, during which an initiative was launched to accelerate power access in the affected countries.
Mr. Gebru Jember Endalew, Chair of the LDC Group, said it had been a very successful meeting, with Ministers discussing all of the key issues of the negotiations and expressing their countries’ dedication to ambitious climate action.
“Today Ministers from across the world’s 47 poorest countries have demonstrated how LDCs are continuing to take the lead on ambitious climate action, pursuing sustainable, low carbon and climate resilient pathways to protect our people and our planet.”
“It is clear that LDCs face unique and unprecedented challenges in working to lift our people out of poverty while achieving sustainable development. Ministers here in Addis Ababa have identified the need for global solidarity and the support of the international community to help LDCs achieve our ambitious climate plans. Ministers have also highlighted that the global response to climate change must be fair and equitable, with countries acting in a manner that is consistent with their responsibility for climate change and capacity to respond.”
“Under the Paris Agreement the world has laid out a vision for achieving a greener, healthier and brighter future for all – the LDCs hope that the upcoming negotiations will generate finance and other support to ensure all countries of the world can make this vision a reality.”
He said the LDC group is fully committed to supporting Fiji, the first island nation to hold the presidency of the Conference of the Parties, to reach successful outcomes this November.