From the Editorial Suite

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December has a tempo that is unique – the run of affairs across the continent suits the key actors. While one group prefers to dilly-dally so that the year will run out naturally, another group sees the month as an opportunity to make a last-minute impact. Our political reports in this edition captured both moods.
For instance, while the new leaders in Zimbabwe are eager to get the country to turn a new leaf, the guys at the helm of affairs in D.R. Congo seem not to be in a hurry. If it will take up to 2020 to organize elections, the ruling Kabila clique will not mind even if the masses storm the streets. See our reports on Zimbabwe and Congo.
Africa is full of talented human beings. The continent’s drawbacks have to do with corrupt and selfish leadership, warfare, strife, ignorance and poverty. Constitutionalism continues to be neglected at the altar of parochial and narrow interests. But as an African adage says – Those who clap for children bathing in the rain have never seen them in sunshine. The volume of confusion created by African warlords and treasury looters tends to take attention away from Africa’s achievements. And the achievements keep rebounding.
Browse through one of our reports on Education. In Kenya, albinism may be a human trait but it is no longer a drawback. The story is compelling. Nigeria used to be a strong agricultural economy. The advent of oil in the late 1950s changed that equation. But the present regime is working hard to curb the country’s dangerous level of food imports. The move is yielding desired results. Check out our Agricultural slot.
For obvious reasons, some countries and issues will continue to make news. For example, while Kenya is still engulfed in post-presidential election strife, Liberia is squaring up to conclude its own presidential election. As long as Europe keeps luring Nigerian youths, the sea route to Europe via Libya will remain newsworthy. It seems the matter has grown wings and flown past the control of the Libyan state. Now, a tri-partite conference of the AU, the EU and the UN has waded into the crisis. It is a must-read.
The Number Two leader of Nigeria should be a busy man. Apart from serving at the pedestal of the country’s governance, Yemi Osinbajo is an academician. He is a cleric and above all, he is a legal luminary. But he makes out time for Arts and Entertainment. News in Africa Online could not have overlooked that aspect. We have the report on the V-P’s comments on the recent MOBO Awards.
This edition has catchy entries on ICT, Spotlight, Economy, Business, Governance, Environment, Travel/Tourism, Health and Women Issues. Let us say something about our Sports story. Russia 2018 may still be five to six months away but its hype is all over the place. There are factors that combine and converge to anoint the semi-finalists and indeed, the champion. The experts say that choosing the right base camp for each participating team is one of the most important factors. That is why Pyatigorsk is in the news. Just browse up our Sports column.
Pat I. Chukwuelue


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