King Mohamed-VI

Morocco scores itself highly for being the first Arab country to express the necessary stances on the latest developments in the Palestinian question. Following last week’s American declaration recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the Moroccan Minister for relations with parliament and civil society, Mustapha El Khalfi, called a news briefing in Rabat.
Mr. El Khalfi reiterated the official stand of the government on the status of Jerusalem, “The position of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, on the latest developments of the Palestinian question is strong, frank and firm, he said after the weekly cabinet meeting.
In this regard, the Minister recalled the message that HM the King sent, last July, to the UN Secretary-General on the actions targeting the holy city of Al Quds, pointing out that following this message, measures such as the ban on the call to prayer and Friday prayer, as well as the annexation of settlements in Al Quds were suspended.
He also mentioned last Wednesday’s meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with the ambassadors accredited in Rabat of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, in the presence of the Ambassador of the State of Palestine, as well as the talks with the Palestinian president and the action taken at the level of the League of Arab States.
Without mentioning President Trump by name or directly referring to the United Nations, Mr. El Khalfi declared that “Morocco, the government and people, remain mobilized behind HM the King in all the decisions that will be taken on this matter”.


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