President Kenyatta of Kenya and President Raul Castrol of Cuba

In his second inaugural speech, President Uhuru Kenyatta rolled out what he called the Big Four Agenda, which underscored the importance of health delivery sector in the country. He probably had Cuba in mind to assist in that sector. Last Monday, President Kenyatta returned to Nairobi after his visit to Cuba.
Although the trip was touted as one geared towards strengthening the bilateral ties between the two nations, political watchers expected it to focus on trade, heritage and, mainly, health which forms one of the key pillars of the Big Four agenda.
The President, who was basking in the euphoria of the settlement he reached with his arch-rival, Raila Odinga, particularly used the visit to remind the Cuban authorities of various health agreements between them which have not been implemented.
President Kenyatta succeeded in getting out-going President Raul Castro to approve sending one hundred medical specialists to Kenya – with each county getting at least two specialists. In addition, the East African country will send fifty doctors to Cuba for specialised training.
Cuba is well regarded in sub-Saharan Africa for its medics – young doctors who are well grounded in many specialized areas and aspects of medical practice. Many Black African countries have been known to send their doctors for special training.


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